Online booking

07/ Feb
08/ Feb

Frequent questions

All you need to know

We solve all the doubts that may arise

How to contact the hotel?

Customers can contact the hotel by email at or by phone at 93 894 1550.

What documentation do I need to stay at the hotel?

According to current law, it is essential to physically show an identity document valid in Spain. Photocopies, images, etc. are not valid.

Failure to present a valid document may lead to the cancellation of the reservation and the payment of the subsequent cancellation fees.

What is the check-in time to the hotel?

Check-in time at the hotel is 2:00 p.m. with the possibility of earlier check-in depending on availability.

What is the hotel check-out time?

Hotel check-out time is 12:00, with the possibility of late check-out subject to availability.

What time is breakfast served?

Breakfast is served from 7.30 to 10.30.

Does the hotel have parking?

Yes. Parking is free for hotel guests, but having a reservation does not guarantee a parking space, since it is subject to availability on the day of arrival.

How can I get to the hotel from Barcelona - El Prat Airport?

From Barcelona - El Prat airport to the hotel, the approximate price of a taxi is €65, depending on the amount of traffic there may be at any given time.

How much does a taxi cost from the nearest airport to the hotel?

Desde el aeropuerto de Barcelona - El Prat al hotel el precio aproximado de un taxi es de 65€, en función de la cantidad de tráfico que pueda haber en cada momento.

How much does a taxi cost from Sitges train station to the hotel?

From the Sitges train station to the hotel the approximate price of a taxi is €12, depending on the amount of traffic there may be at any given time.

Does the hotel accept pets?

Of course, you can bring your pet for free as long as they do not disturb or create problems with the rest of the clients.

Can I reserve a bicycle?

No, the bicycle service is subject to availability and must always be returned at the end of the day. In addition, it is a completely free service that the hotel offers to guests who stay with us.